Rookwood Weir – Rockhampton, Queensland. Image is courtesy of ACCIONA.


Brisbane, Queensland





BG&E Brisbane
Rookwood Weir

The Roockwood Weir is a $367 million landmark project 66 kilometres Southwest of Rockhampton in Queensland (QLD), which will provide thousands of megalitres of water from the lower Fitzroy River for use across the region. The Weir, which is jointly funded by the Federal and State Governments, will be delivered by Sunwater and be operational by 2023.

BG&E is providing the temporary works design, including construction of temporary access roads and a river crossing, cofferdam design, temporary river diversions and the associated hydrology modelling.

The Roockwood Weir will enable water security for an area subject to drought, while boosting the local agricultural industry and urban growth across Central QLD.

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