Tarago Rail Siding


Pacific National and Veolia have made representations to extend the multi-user rail siding, at Tarago in regional New South Wales, to permit 1,000-metre long trains to be stowed and/or crossed at this location, without the need to break trains across multiple rail sidings.

The outcome is for BG&E to produce an investigation report including a preliminary design that will be used to form the basis of the construction scope and be used in consideration for further progression of this project.

This will include the preliminary design documentation of all track and civil works associated with the preferred design option, as well as the preliminary design of the associated signal infrastructure that will be required to achieve the functionality to permit 1,000-metre long trains, to be stowed and/or crossed at this location.

This also includes ensuring safe working requirements and operating network rules and procedures are adhered to in accordance with the track, civil and signal standards, when determining the final infrastructure configuration to achieve the functional requirement of permitting 900-metre long trains to be stowed and/or crossed at this location.


Tarago, New South Wales



Pacific National

Curiosity, Bravery & Trust

World-Class Engineering