Curtin University – Engineering Pavilion B215


The Curtin University of Technology commissioned the Engineering Pavilion project to create an additional shared-use building for the engineering department. Several cutting-edge material technologies were used in the structure of the building, which helped the University achieve a 5-star rating on the Green Star Rating System.

Purposefully designed to showcase engineering, the Pavilion houses communal spaces for exhibitions, general meetings, teaching, and self-learning, spread across three floors. A triple-height atrium is next to the floors containing walkways and vertical circulation.

BG&E provided structural engineering for the Pavilion. One key design aspect is the roof structure over the 19-metre by 17-metre exhibition space. This roof is supported by three bow-string trusses, which include glulam timber beams with steel flitch plates as the top chord and tensioned stainless steel rods as the bow-string bottom chord, supporting timber purlins.

An expressive steel diagrid structure was also incorporated, distributing wind loads on the atrium glazing across multiple members and acting as the primary lateral stability system for the building. This design allowed for removing several concrete shear walls, enhancing spatial flexibility.

The floor slabs were post-tensioned to reduce the volume of concrete used and maximise flexibility for services in the ceiling without increasing the building’s height.


Bentley, Western Australia



Curtin University of Technology

Key Outcomes

Achievement of 5-Star green star rating

Advanced roofing, bow-string trusses with glulam beams and steel rods.

Efficient material use like post-tensioned slabs reduce concrete volume

Expertise Provided
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