METRONET – Yanchep Rail Extension


The METRONET program represents Perth’s largest ever public transport investment, adding approximately 72 kilometres of new lines and 23 stations to the suburban network to increase capacity.

The Yanchep Rail Extension has successfully delivered the final 14.5 kilometre stretch of the former Joondalup Line, extending from Butler to Yanchep.

Scope of works include

  • Final alignment with rail infrastructure within a cutting (similar to the alignment between Clarkson and Butler stations).
  • Grade separations at key road crossings and graded separated principal-shared paths.
  • Stations, bus interchanges and parking facilities at Alkimos, Eglinton and Yanchep.
  • Expansion of Butler Station’s bus facilities.
  • Noise and vibration mitigation measures.
  • Significant stakeholder engagement.
  • Alignment through nature reserve.
  • Environmental concerns including dust, noise and vibration, and flora and fauna.
  • Significant earthworks along the rail alignment.
  • Relocation of existing services.
  • Road access to the new rail alignment.

BG&E took into consideration various aspects, including adjacent developer interface and construction traffic, stakeholder and other project interfaces, earthworks and haulage, integration of principal shared paths, staging of works, locality, and environmental and heritage factors – including obtaining necessary environmental approvals.


Perth, Western Australia



Public Transport Authority

Key Outcomes

Expanded Perth’s rail network by adding 72 kilometres of new lines and 23 stations

Enhanced city access with new links between southeastern suburbs and key transport hubs

Seamless urban integration supporting future growth

Delivered efficient infrastructure upgrades with minimal disruption to existing services

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