Point Pier Murat

Ports & Marine

This former Royal Australian Navy port is located at Point Murat, on the tip of the North West Cape, approximately 16 kilometres North of Exmouth in Western Australia.

Built in 1964, the pier has historic, environmental and scientific significance, as it was connected to the development of the United States Naval Communication Station.

The 356-metre long pier has prefabricated loose deck construction to cater for cyclonic conditions and gates across the pier control access, as well as a series of lights to illuminate the structure when required.

BG&E provided structural engineering services, specifically, our team documented a new concrete deck for the pier head of the jetty to replace the existing hardwood timber rafts which were supported by steel beams formed part of the pier substructure. The hardwood had warped and was no longer suitable for access or as an operating platform.

After extensive consultation, the preferred approach replaced the existing timber decking with a deck constructed of concrete. The new deck was designed to maintain existing and future live loading conditions, as well as to provide safe access for future stakeholders.



Perth, Western Australia



Australian Department of Defence (Marine & Civil)

Expertise Provided

Curiosity, Bravery & Trust

World-Class Engineering