Expert Insight

The Halo Effect of the Pandemic

Andrew Schroth

Director, New Business VIC/SA

The fallout from COVID-19, a once-in-a-generation global health crisis, has silver linings which will become more apparent as lives assume greater normalcy.

Consequences of the Pandemic

The economic, social, and medical consequences have been dire. Across the planet, no one person, country, or organization has been immune, with unexpected disruptions to health systems, business, education, sport, the arts, and most importantly, the creation of physical barriers which prevented families and friends from connecting.

Silver Linings Emerging from the Crisis

However, to identify three silver linings from the pandemic, and that is far from exhaustive, many would nominate improvements in the public health system, reinvigoration of local communities, and changes in work practices.

Historical Precedents of Health Crises Prompting Change

History is replete with examples of health crises prompting change. A cholera outbreak in London, in the 1850s, led to John Snow’s famous ‘cholera map’ that used data to track the disease and ultimately led to modern sewerage systems.

In the wake of the 1918 flu pandemic, which claimed up to 50 million lives, many governments embraced new concepts of preventive and socialized medicine. The Soviet Union, United Kingdom (UK), and France put centralized healthcare systems in place, while the United States adopted employer-based insurance plans. Both systems expanded access to healthcare for the general population. This flu pandemic also accelerated the focus on the occupational and social conditions that prompted illnesses, with prevention becoming as relevant as the cure.

Advances in Medical Science

With COVID-19, it was initially thought that it would take years to develop a vaccine but thankfully in less than 12 months, a remarkable medical achievement occurred, which bodes well for finding a vaccine quickly if/when another pandemic erupts.

Rekindled Community Spirit

One of the notable halo effects of the pandemic is a rekindled neighborly spirit. In the UK, more than two million volunteers helped over 2,700 community groups to support the country’s most vulnerable people, as part of the ‘COVID-19 Mutual Aid’ programme. In Australia, suburban shopping malls and parks became homes for vibrant social gatherings, albeit at the cost of central business district life slowing. Anecdotal evidence suggests society reconnected, as indicated by the endless commentary about acts of kindness becoming the norm, rather than the exception.

Rethinking Urban Design

Should this prompt a rethink about how to design cities, to encourage greater socialization, remote working, flexible hours, the role of public transport, access to retail, delivery of sporting and cultural events, and the vital need for increased green public spaces?

Future Preparedness and Investment

There are signs of increased investment in physical and digital infrastructure to combat future pandemics to make people feel safer and prepared. Implementing pandemic response plans, increasing healthcare capacity, supercharging broadband networks, and creating pandemic-resilient neighborhoods are obvious responses, but pandemic-resilient policy-making needs to be all-encompassing to be truly effective.

The Evolving Workplace

Post-pandemic, the workplace is another positive example of changes that will last for generations. Although flexible and remote working has been available for years in many countries across Europe, among others, only 24 percent of Australians worked remotely at least once a week before March 2020.

Transformation of White-Collar Workplaces

COVID-19 transformed many white-collar workplaces, which today embrace flexible and remote working or a hybrid model as part of their ‘new normal’. The technology to interact and collaborate online has seen Zoom, Teams, Google Hang-Out, and Skype become some of the most used business tools, and the statement, “You’re on mute,” become part of the vernacular.

Increased Authenticity in Professional Settings

Another unexpected positive outcome for employers and employees is the increased level of authenticity that is shared between colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders. While professional technical standards were sustained, forced lockdowns inhibited access to grooming services which saw grey and natural hair color become on-trend and activewear become everyday wear.

Shifts in Work-Life Balance

The closure of childcare centers and schools translated to children and pets often making guest appearances during business meetings. These previously awkward situations became unavoidable and morphed into increased levels of legitimacy and comfort, with increasing sentiments of feeling more supported about sharing their whole self.

Some employers leveraged access to larger talent pools of highly-skilled white-collar workers, as full-time parents were, almost overnight, given the opportunity to participate in a workforce that was previously not accessible. Suddenly, traditional full-time workplace-based roles transcended into flexible and remote roles, which is proving to be a ‘win-win’ for all. This halo glow lives on and considering the tight labor market, the paradigm shift is a realistic preview into the workforce of the future.

Evolving Expectations in Blue-Collar Workplaces

For those who returned to traditional blue-collar workplaces, there are indications of employee expectations having an increased focus on health, well-being, and safety, whether it be via rostering changes, staggered meal times, and/or where possible, physical distancing. Improved ventilation will remain on many checklists, as will the option of limiting an employee’s attendance to multiple worksites.

The Digital Revolution and Social Norms

It is not just business. The fast-tracked digital revolution, which is occurring, is opening up new opportunities for socializing, learning, exercise, shopping, and entertainment. Social norms could change too. Couples working from home could mean greater gender equality, with an enhanced ability to share parental responsibilities. Make no mistake, the world after the pandemic – and that might mean living with COVID-19, not eradicating it – is different. How different remains to be seen. But there are various indicators to suggest goodwill emanates from COVID-19 in a multitude of ways and will lift the weight from our shoulders from the past 20 months.

Source: Australian Bureau Statistics, March 2020.

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